現今的高雄,為多元文化的共榮圈,透過閩南、客家、眷村、原民四種族群的交織,共譜出獨特的新活力。閩南人情味重,親切互助,早已是高雄的城市魅力之一。 以人為本的客家村落,帶有純樸與細膩的美感與文化深度,客家人的勤奮努力,造成了曾有「美濃出博士」的美稱。大高雄更不乏有原住民鄉的身影,除了那瑪夏、杉林等地外,許多原民早已與都市融合,但古老祖先的智慧與技藝:如皮雕、木雕、賺朱、織布等,從未消失於原民之手。
Kaohsiung is located Taiwan’s Southwestern region and is a long narrow stretch of land. Its total area consists of 2,946 square kilometers. Geographically it is in an ideal location. The large harbor makes it an important trade and commerce stop along the Northeast Asia / South Pacific passageway. This has quickly propelled the development of this international city. Kaohsiung has an international airport with direct flights to a variety of Asian cities. Other international cities can be reached by transferring at C.K.S. International Airport in Taoyuan. It is Taiwan’s largest international port, and the world’s 6th largest container port. The port is quite spacious. There’s also a long sandbank, which makes it a scenic natural harbor. The port’s area is approximately 26.66 km2 and 18 kilometers of navigation channels. The harbor is organized into two parts (1st and 2nd port). The port can process large cargo ships of up to 100,000 tons. The Kaohsiung Port also plays an important role in the tourism industry.
Modern Kaohsiung is a diverse Co-Prosperity Sphere, the interweaving of Hoklo (Minnan), Hakka, military families (military dependents' village) and Indigenous Peoples has created a unique new vigor. Hoklo people are warm, tight-knit and supportive, and have long been part of Kaohsiung's charm.
People-oriented Hakka settlements have a simple yet exquisite aesthetic and cultural depth and the diligence of the Hakka was once reflected through the saying “Meinong has many Doctors”.
Greater Kaohsiung does not lack indigenous villages, areas such as Namasha District and Sanlin District aside, many members of indigenous tribes have long since merged with the city, but the wisdom and skills of their forefathers, such as leather carving, wood carving, dealing in pearls, and cloth weaving have not left their hands.
本站是捷運紅線與橘線交接的轉運站,站區範圍廣大,設有11個出口。車站建築裡外都像是藝術品,四座玻璃帷幕鋼骨站台建築,是由日本建築師高松伸所設計,象徵「祈禱」之意,是為紀念當年在此地發生的美麗島事件。而站內的公共藝術「光之穹頂」,是由義大利藝術家水仙大師「Narcissus Quagliata」歷時四年半所完成,藉玻璃、彩繪及燈光組合的玻璃藝術創作,代表宇宙誕生、成長、榮耀與毀滅,被美國旅遊網站「BootsnAll」評選為全世界最美捷運站第二名。
Dome of Light
The transfer station between the Red and Orange Lines, the Station is a work of art both inside and out, the 4 station platform structures made of sheets of glass covering steel platforms represent “praying for longevity”, in order to commemorate the Formosa Incident which happened here. The “Dome of Light”, was completed by the Italian artist Narcissus Quagliata over 4 and a half years. Made of glass, colored paint and lights, it represents the birth, growth, glory and dimming of the cosmos and was named the second most beautiful subway station in the world by the American travel website BootsnAll.
愛河最初僅是一條淺溪可供渡船往來,日治時期曾加以疏濬成為運河,並定名為「高雄川」,這是愛河第一次有正式的稱謂,但一般人仍習稱它為「高雄圳」或「高雄運河」。 民國37年在河岸靠中正橋邊,有人開設「愛河遊船所」供人划船遊河,因時有情侶划舟談情說愛,口耳相傳後,才有了全臺獨特的名稱-愛河。 愛河,是高雄市最具文化特色的河流,早年扮演著運輸、交通、遊憩等多功能角色,如今走過歲月、歷盡滄桑的愛河,雖曾飽嘗污染,但疼惜她的高雄人,包括政府和民間企業、藝文人士都挖空心思,逐步恢復愛河風華,已讓愛河步步的重現生機。
在愛河東岸有一奇特壯觀的造型雕塑安置,原是2001年高雄燈會為發揚「高雄海洋首都」所創造的概念主燈。 龍首魚身的造形意指高雄即將就此蛻變,主燈「鰲」總高度25公尺,重量30,000公斤,全以不銹鋼材打造。配合節慶活動,龍身定時燈光變幻、口吐輕煙,極獲遊客喜愛駐足觀賞。
Love River
Love River had originally been a shallow creek, which could only be crossed by ferry. During the Japanese Colonial era it was dredged into a canal and named The Kaohsiung River. This was the first time the river had been given an official name. It was formally referred to as The Kaohsiung Waterway or The Kaohsiung Canal. In 1948, Love River Boat Company was opened near the Jhongjheng Bridge. This gave people the opportunity to row up and down the river. This became a particularly popular past for local couples and therefore acquiring the name - Love River. Love River is a very distinct river in Kaohsiung. It was previously used for shipping, transportation and leisure. Over the years it slowly became a polluted open-air sewer. Recently, with the cooperation of the Kaohsiung residents, the city government and the private sector it has been restored to its former splendor. The west bank of The Lover River is located in the Yencheng District. The city government has recently renovated bridges along The Love River. They now emit rainbows of light after dark, creating a delightful visual effect.
The Soaring Dragon Fish Statue is located on the east bank of the Love River. It was originally created as a theme lantern, created for the 2001 Kaohsiung Lantern Festival. It was once used to promote Kaohsiung, Taiwan's Maritime Capital. The dragonhead and fish body is a symbol of Kaohsiung, a city in transformation. The Dragon Fish statue is 25 meters in height, weighs 30 tons and built entirely of stainless steel. During festive occasions, flickering lights illuminate the dragon's body and the dragon breathes smoke.
Meinong Folk Village
Meinong is a small city in southern Taiwan extremely rich in Hakka cultural character and unsophisticated customs, famous for the beauty of its ruins and scenery. Meinong Folk Village completely preserves Hakka culture, and combines it with the finest local industries, introducing Meinong's culture and geography, way of life and rich travel content. You can also appreciate and make traditional oil-paper umbrellas, as well as ceramic hand-made pottery, and there's also a restaurant which serves traditional Hakka cuisine, Meinong's local specialties and local Hakka snacks.
Lianchitan (Lotus Pond) Scenic Area
Lianchitan (Lotus Pond) Scenic Area is one of Kaohsiung’s most traditional scenic areas, and was listed as one of the “Eight Sights of Fongshan” in the Qing Dynasty. There are pavilions by the beach, massive statues of gods and the “old city”, surrounded by the city wall, living settlements such as historical sites, old houses, and military dependents’ villages and you can also sample Zuoying’s rich, diverse food in the old streets and traditional markets. The Longhu Tower (Dragon Tiger Tower) is the most famous scenic spot in Lianchitan. Constructed in 1976, the tower is seven stories tall, and the dragon and tiger doors are its entrance and exit. Its walls are decorated with koji pottery, which represent proselytizing stories, from a variety of artists. The tower’s body is connected the Nine-Turn Bridge (Jiuqu Bridge)) and is set off by the lake. There is a rule when visiting the Longhu Tower: enter at the dragon’s mouth and exit from the tiger’s mouth; this will allow you to avoid bad fortune and enjoy good luck. You can enjoy a 360-degree view of Lianchitan’s scenery.
Siziwan (The Sizih Bay)
Siziwan is known for its beautiful sunset and natural reefs, and the area includes scenic spots like the Siziwan Beach, Seaside Park, and the former British Consulate at Takao. You can enjoy the view of the sea, or gaze over Kaohsiung Port. The inscription on the gate of the Shaochuan artillery position, currently classes as a third-grade national heritage site reads “Kaohsiung Town North Gate”. It was built at the same time as Cihou (Qihou) Fort, to cover different fields of fire. Today, the cannons are gone- only 3 gun emplacements remain for people of the future to wonder about.