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台灣東部(花蓮、台東) 坐擁台灣最原始的鬼斧神工山林之美。由北到南無論是太魯閣國家公園、東海岸自然景觀區、花東縱谷,或者行腳更深入到中橫玉山國家公園,自然景觀豐富美不勝收。愛好戶外運動者不會錯過秀姑巒溪泛舟,追逐白浪;悠遊寧靜山湖的朋友能在碧藍的鯉魚潭、富源國家森林公園發現純樸生機。除了視覺饗宴,鹿野高台的福鹿茶令人唇齒留香;一天旅行後,旅客也可以到花東遍布的溫泉消除疲倦。近年來,花東的原住民人文風景深受喜愛,旅客可來此體會台灣本土具有身心療癒效果的有機生活。花東的豐富自然和人文地景歡迎你來挖掘。


East Taiwan (Hualien, Taitung)

Splendid landscape has enriched the pure beauty of nature in Hualien. Tourism resources such as Taroko National Park, East Coast National Scenic Area, East Rift Valley Scenic Area and Yushan National Park are the four main highlights (from north to south).

Xiuguluan River is famous for white water rafting. Surrounded by mountains, turquoise Liyu Lake, ecological Fuyuan National Forest Recreation Area and aromatic WuHe Plateau Tea Plantation are places you shouldn't miss. Ruisui, HongYe and Antong hot springs are ready to cleanse and reenergize you.

In recent years, many agricultural areas have transformed into tourist farms, indigenous ceremonies are being open to public, and farming and fishing villages welcome people to come experience organic lifestyle. Hualien has become more dynamic than ever and is sure to surprise you every time you visit.





Taroko Gorge

Taroko Gorge is an unremitting spot on Central Cross-Island Highway. Along the road is the spectacular marble landscape. There are many scenic hiking trails and biking routes for you to take a close-up look at white riverbed boulders and precipitous cliffs. Shakadang trail is the gentlest trekking route where you can enjoy the symphony of brook babbling and insects humming. However, if you are an advanced hiker who looks forward to something exciting, Bayiyang Waterfall Trail is your top choice. This trail feature cliffs, waterfalls and tunnels. At the end of the trail, there is the Cave of  Water Curtain where mountain spring water runs down the top of the cave. To enjoy it, don't forget your raincoat. Last but not the least, for ones who are good at hiking, we recommend the most dangerous but the most spectacular trail-Zhuilu Old Trail. You must apply for an entry permit from Taroko National Park. The trail cuts through forested valleys, over suspension bridges. You can stand on the edge of the cliff, experiencing how the ancient ingenious groups stroke for life through the path.

Trail and road conditions are often affected by weather. See Taroko National Park's official website to get the latest updates on each route.






Mukumugi, located in indigenous Tongmen Village about 20km from Hualien City, preserves the calmness and roughness of eastern Taiwan. It is a paradise formed by Mugua River cutting through the valley. If you are tired of Taroko Gorge crowded with tourists and cars, Mukumugi must be your first choice to explore the crystal turquoise brooks, grandiose rocks and wisps of smoke rising from the mountain village. And, different from Taroko Gorge, here you can actually get into the emerald waters!

The name “Mukumugi” was the name of the first Taroko tribal family who moved from Nantou, crossing the central mountain range, and ended at this place deep in mountains. Since this area is abundant with copper mine, these early settlers had gotten great skills in making nice copper knife. In recent years, the concept of self-determination is rising. The local tribal people have tried hard to protect this paradise from exploitation by tourism industry. Hence, they limit the number of visitors everyday. Cars or motorcycles are forbidden, too. You have to do some hiking to experience the primitive beauty. However, the water here as blue as nowhere in Taiwan definitely worths a visit. 




Five Way House

We sincerely invite you to visit Five Way House, one of the most beautiful cultural scenery in Taiwan. This house belongs to a community-development project which aims to rejuvenate an unused space in front of the Fengtian Station in Hualien.

This space, originally a thatched hut common in Japanese-colonized period, is transformed into a second-hand shop by members of the community university, and teachers as well as students at National Dong Hwa University. In this shop, no “goods’ remain on hoard; instead, all ‘good’ exchanges. Beyond the school day, children in this small village can go to this shop where they either do homework or learn to run the shop. They learn that what counts is not profit but the essences of relationship, including simplicity, thrift, empathy, kindness, and diligence.

   Five Way House welcomes visitors to participate their daily business. You can develop your own co-working projects with House of Flavor. Anyone devoting to education, psychology, or community work will find what they want here.





Qixintan Area

HaiAn Road, Xincheng Township, Hualien County, Taiwan(R.O.C)

Located on the northeast beach of Xincheng Town, Qixingtan is the only county level scenic area in Hualien. Besides the crescent bay and clear blue waters of the Pacific Ocean, the beach is full of colorful agates that are easily found and appreciated. Qixingtan used to be a small fishing village. Due to its abundant natural beauty, multiple scenic trails, beach pavilions, pagodas, and Star-Gazing Square, Qixingtan has become a popular tourist destination, particularly known for its remarkably blue sky and turquoise seas. Qixingtan beach is the best place to watch the moon and the stars, or simply meditate as you are soothed by the sound of the ocean waves washing over the pebbles.


East Taiwan

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