Longshan Temple
台北艋舺龍山寺是台灣宗教信仰和廟宇文化的代表。龍山寺最早是由大陸福建地區的移民興建,供奉佛教的觀世音菩薩。然而受到戰火摧殘,龍山寺重建於1919年,由福建南部的廟宇建築名匠王益順負責。廟宇為中國傳統三進四合院宮殿建築,主殿門口立有一對銅鑄蟠龍柱,為台灣唯一一對銅鑄柱子。龍山寺全寺屋頂飛簷由龍鳳、麒麟等吉祥物裝飾,點綴瑰麗的交趾陶,色彩瑰麗。現今內部同時供奉佛教和道教神祇,足見台灣民眾的宗教豐富性和包容度。寺廟鄰近街區剝皮寮又是另一種俗民文化代表,早期許多遊民聚集於,等待廟會打零工的機會。近年來台灣不少助人工作者以不同方式與這些社會邊緣人跨接,了解他們獨特的人生。他們以倫敦的Unseen Tours為範本,邀請遊民從他們的視角爲我們導覽這塊地區的繁華興盛。有興趣的人可以請遊民為自己來一場深度導覽。
Taipei Longshan Temple in district of Manka is an iconic historic heritage where you can experience Taiwanese religion and temple architecture. In 1738,immigrants from Fukien, mainland China had built this temple, and they dedicated it to the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy (Kuan-in in Mandarin). However, as the years went by, this temple was ripped by war. The contemporary Longshan Temple was rebuilt in 1919 by a master of temple-building, Mr. Wang, Yi-Sihon. This architecture design is based on the traditional palace building, a courtyard with three entrances. Once you enter the main hall, you can see a pair of dragon columns cast with bronze. It is the only pair of bronze columns in Taiwan. If you look up, you can see the temple roof decorated with figures of dragon, phoenix, and other auspicious creatures. They are made of colorful Koji pieces. Nowadays, Longshan Temple is a home to over a hundred other Buddhist and Taoist deities. You can definitely witness the religious variety and tolerance in Taiwan. Besides, near the Temple is the Bopiliao Old Street where the sacred and the secular combine. Many street people gather around, waiting for the chance to take odd jobs in the occasion of temple fairs. Recently, some helpers in Taiwan have tried to cowork with these marginalized, to understand their idiosyncratic life stories. Inspired by “Unseen Tours” in London, those helpers make an experiment, inviting street people to offer walking tours in this area. If you are interested, you are welcome to join them to see the rise and fall of Manka district.
Longshan Temple-dragon pillar
Longshan Temple-Memorial arch
Longshan Temple-inner palace
lanterns in Longshan Temple
Longshan Temple-main gate
Longshan Temple-praying ground
Longshan Temple-ritual candle
Longshan Temple-side pool
Historic Spots: Longshan Temple, Baoan Temple
Baoan Temple
Dalongdong Baoan Temple is recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage. Manka Longshan Temple, Quingshui Temple and this are the three representatives of traditional temples in Taipei. The presiding deity in Baoan temple is a great Taoist saint of Song dynasty in mainland China. He was known to have done medical miracles. It is said that the early settlers from Fukien in Qing dynasty begged the Baosheng Emperor to share out his spiritual powers to Taiwan. As a Taiwanese proverb says, “Wherever the village is, there is a temple; there is no village without a temple,” Dalongdong got more and more prosperous since Baoan Temple was built. Every year, Baoshng Emperor’s Birthday is the major festival (which lasts for almost three months, from April to June) for locals. In the temple fair, you can experience the cultural vigor, including parading, Yi-zhen performances, surname folk opera series, and so on.
the Two Guardian
main gate
Gold paper for pray
main arch
Sculpture on the roof top
wall of paragon
wall of paragon-2
wall of paragon-3