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陽明山國家公園是中華民國九個國家公園之一,前身為臺灣日治時期成立之大屯國立公園(1937-1945)。位於臺北近郊,行政區域包括臺北市北投區、士林區,新北市的萬里區、金山區、石門區、三芝區、淡水區一帶;地理上則屬於大屯火山彙區域。陽明山原名草山(臺羅:Tsháu-suann),泛指大屯山、七星山、紗帽山、小觀音山這一帶的山區,而非單指某座山峰。清治時期,官府憂慮賊寇可匿於林中竊取硫磺,故定期放火燒山,因此整個山區只能長出五節芒這類的芒草。1950年,為紀念明代學者王陽明,改名為陽明山。 以大屯火山群為主的火山地型景觀是陽明山國家公園的主要特色。另外,陽明公園遍植各種櫻花與其他花木,每年春季百花齊放,其間所舉行的陽明山花季均能吸引滿山人潮,為全台最知名的賞花節慶之一。


Yangmingshan National Park

Yangmingshan National park is one of the nine national parks in Taiwan, located between Taipei and New Taipei City. The districts that house parts of the park grounds include Taipei's Beitou and Shilin Districts; and New Taipei's Wanli, Jinshan and Sanzhi Districts. The National Park is famous for its cherry blossoms, hot springs, sulfur deposits, fumaroles, venomous snakes, and hiking trails, including Taiwan's tallest dormant volcano, Seven Star Mountain (1,120 m). This mountain range was originally called Grass Mountain during the Qing Dynasty. Officials during this period were worried about thieves stealing sulfur from the rich sulfur deposits in the area so they would regularly set fire to the mountain. Thus, only grass and not trees could be seen. In 1950, President Chiang Kai-shek, in order to commemorate the Ming Dynasty scholar Wang Yangming renamed the Grass Mountain to Yangmingshan. Different from the high mountain national parks, Yangmingshan National Park has a lower elevation. Even though mountain elevations range from only 200–1120 meters, beautiful landscapes such as ridges, valleys, lakes, waterfalls and basins are abundant. Andesite rocks make up most of the area's geology

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